Bastrop State Park

This was a rather quick and uneventful trip, but amazing nonetheless. I stayed one night with my family and one night with Auva at Bastrop State Park, and we biked, read, ate, chilled. The weather was a bit colder than expected, but I think it was perfect for the camper. The first night we let the windows down and slept with the wind blowing over us - until it started raining, which was super fun (Jenny remarked, "it sounds like popcorn!"). The second night the temperature got down to the 40s, so with the windows up and a few blankets it was perfect. 

Bastrop State Park is relatively simple, but in my opinion a perfect place to have a relaxed time with people you love :).

The main activity on this trip was for sure biking. The hills at this park were touggghhhh, especially riding on the heavy two seater (props to Jenny for being a powerhouse). 

The camper life is real. With all the windows down and a nice breeze, a mid afternoon read/nap is perfect.

Fire with the fam, we made hot dogs with chili! And drank a few brews, of course.

A pretty butterfly Auva and I saw in Bastrop!