Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Directed by Sam Raimi (2022)
While not Oscar-worthy of course, I thought this movie was amazing. Not only do we get awesome Marvel-ness to the extreme, but Raimi takes a new approach to the comic book films of today. The horror vibe of the film is super fresh. We get scenes that I didn't think I'd ever see in a Disney-owned Marvel movie! Lately I'd been feeling a bit exhausted by all the comic book stuff coming back out, but after this I have a renewed appreciation. The dialogue is going to be a bit corny, there will be plot armor and some strange pacing, but if you go into it looking to just have fun then you won't be disappointed. Multiverse of Madness is awesome and I can't wait for a rewatch.