Seitan Bahn Mi

After a successful attempt at homemade bread, Auva and I decided to make another bread in the form of baguette. The idea to make bahn mis simply followed naturally. Using a recipe for seitan kebab, we made chunks of BBQish seitan going for the grilled pork flavor in a classic bahn mi. Limited on time, we shredded some carrots and quickly pickled them along with jalapenos in rice wine vinegar, salt, sugar, and water. A spicy peanut sauce lathered on the buns finished off the bahn mi. Holy cow, these were delicious. The pickling worked surprisingly well, and the few jalapenos gave just enough spice. Although a bit chewy, the seitan was moist and flavorful. Our baguette was delicious - but for future versions I would try making a thinner (or less dense) bread, because eating the whole sandwich was just a lot of bread.

Oh, and Auva made amazing cauliflower wings to complement the bahn mi!

I apologize for the horrible pictures...